Three Benefits Of Opting For Aluminum Fencing Over Other Metal Fences

Posted on: 15 September 2021

When choosing a suitable fencing option, the build material is one of the essential factors to consider. The build material is an essential factor because it determines the level of maintenance you need to perform on the fence and its durability. It is for this reason that most property owners opt for metal fences due to their durability.

With that said, one of the best metallic fence options you can go for is an aluminum fence. Though you could opt for wrought iron or galvanized steel fences, an aluminum fence can provide more benefits to you than the former options.

With that said, here are the three main benefits of opting for an aluminum fence over the other types of metal fences.  

Minimal Installation Costs

Out of all the various metals you can utilize for fencing, aluminum is the most lightweight option. As a result, fencing contractors don't have to encounter any heavy lifting when installing an aluminum fence. As a result, they can complete the aluminum fence installation a lot faster than installing a wrought iron or steel fence.

Remember, fencing contractors charge by the hour. Thus, the longer the fencing installation takes, the more money you spend on billed hours for the contractors. However, due to the lightweight nature of aluminum, the contractors get to finish the installation in less time. 

Hence, if you opt for an aluminum fence, you can save money on labor costs because the billed hours will be less than the billed hours for a wrought iron or steel fence installation. 

Corrosion Resistance

Unlike steel and wrought iron, aluminum is entirely resistant to corrosion. Thus, an aluminum fence is an ideal option that can withstand the elements of weather for a long time without rusting.  Though you can apply a coat of paint on wrought iron and use galvanized steel to prevent rusting, after some time, the paint coating and galvanization are bound to deteriorate, thus leaving the wrought iron and steel fences susceptible to rusting and corrosion, respectively.

However, an aluminum fence doesn't require any coating or galvanization to prevent rust. Thus, an aluminum fence is more durable than wrought iron and galvanized steel fences.

Minimal Maintenance Costs

As mentioned above, wrought iron and steel fences are prone to rust and corrosion. As a result, it is essential to apply a regular coat of paint on such fences to keep them well maintained and prevent them from getting damaged due to rusting. The frequent application of paint means that you have to spend money on the fences' upkeep regularly.

However, because an aluminum fence is not susceptible to rust and corrosion, there is no need to apply any paint. In most cases, you only need to paint an aluminum fence for aesthetic purposes. Thus, an aluminum fence has minimal maintenance costs compared to a wrought iron or steel fence.
